Yoga itself is a term that translates to yoke, or one and can be viewed as an eight-limb philosophy system of living a yogic lifestyle. In today’s culture, within that eight-limb system, the focus has shifted into a primary focus on postures (asana), breath work (pranayama), and meditation (Dhyana). These focuses are the guiding posts that Jaci bases her teaching style on. With 200 certified hours of training in hatha yoga and astanga principles, Jaci loves to teach a flowing sequence that allows for breath awareness and space to go inward.


This ancient Egyptian practice has been used for centuries to promote balance, healing and relaxation. By dividing each foot into zones reflexology correlates to specific glands, organs, and systems of the body. By accessing the reflexes of the head, hands and feet, the body’s natural coping mechanism is stimulated, allowing further healing to take place. Through increased blood flow, the release of toxins, and an overall feeling of relaxation, reflexology is a wonderful way to improve your sense of well-being.


Energy Balancing is an umbrella term that includes, chakra system training, reiki i, ii, and master level training. Along with these trainings, she also studied vibrational arts and the subtle body energetic system at the transformational arts college located in Toronto. Jaci has always been aware of her intuitive nature but didn’t always have an understanding of how to relate or make sense of these happenings. Through her research and training, she has been able to understand the dynamic fluidity of the body and the energetic centers that work to create physical experiences within the body. With a focus influenced by Inna Segal and Anodea Judith’s work, Jaci’s intention is to hold space in a safe and respectful manner to which your body can release and relax into a more balanced sense of being.